PESCO New Connection

PESCO New Connection

If you are looking for complete guide about how to get your PESCO new connection of electricity, then you are at right place. The procedure for obtaining a PESCO new connection depends on your location, i.e., Home Shop office, etc. and set regulations by the PESCO. You can submit an application by hand at the nearest office of PESCO in your area and online through the website.

Many individuals are unfamiliar with online applications that are also accepted for new PESCO connection. Due unfamiliarity with the modern technology, these individuals receive a electricity connection after putting in a lot of effort. You no longer need to go to the PESCO office to obtain the application form or to find out how to submit an application for a new connection. We’d like to let you know about the web portal where you can apply for the PESCO new connection.

Complete Process For Installation Of New Connection


You need to upload few documents as attachment with your online application. Please ensure that all the uploaded document size doesn’t exceed the size of 300 KB.

Property Documents

In attachments first you need to provide the ownership document of the property new connection is to be installed. All ownership documents i.e. Fard, Registry must be attested by relevant authority.

Print Of PESCO Online Application

You should get a print of PESCO online application form. After filling the required information on application form, attach all the documents along with and submit complete file to relevant officer.

Issuance of Demand Notice

After the verification of provided documents information, your demand notice will be issued.

Fee Payment

The next step should be to deposit the fee mentioned on your demand notice at the designated bank. After payment of fee submit a copy of paid demand notice to relevant officer for further process.

Meter/Connection Installation

After necessary verification of your fee payment the PESCO will install your meter/connection within given time frame.

Online Method For New Connection

For your convenience, the application method is detailed below in step-by-step format. As a result, you can apply for PESCO New Connection online.

  • First, go to the PESCO website to download the form which is a mandatory requirement to submit your application online.
  • Visit PESCO official website and click the option of “New connection”.
  • Click on “Apply New Connection” option from the new window.
  • After that you will be required to provide few information before submitting your application.

First of all, you need to select your distribution company, i.e., PESCO, MEPCO, FESCO, etc. for which you want to apply a new connection.
After selecting your distribution company, you must fill in the category type of your connection, i.e., load up to 15 KW to 5000 KW.
You can select your sub-division and in which city you want to apply a new connection.
If you already have a PESCO connection in your premises, then provide a reference number. Otherwise, the reference number of your neighbor can be provided for a new connection.

In this section, you also select a connection type as you desire, and you have the following options for new connections: i.e. Domestic, Agriculture, Commercial, industrial, Tube well, temporary, corporate companies, Street light, housing societies, and general services.

Applicant Particulars

An applicant needs to provide following particulars for a PESCO new connection,

  • Applicant status either you owned a house or tenant.
  • Applicant name
  • Father or husband’s name
  • Confirm citizenship i.e. Pakistani or foreigner
  • CNIC details
  • Present address
  • Mobile Number option 1 and option 2
  • Contact person information
  • Contact person name
  • Mobile Number
  • Present address
  • Relationship with applicant
  • Email address
  • Premises detail
  • The number of meters already exist
  • Minimum load
  • Premises Address


After filling out the above particulars you need to attach following documents in attachments,

  • Property documents copy, i.e., Fard, Registry Mutation, etc
  • Attested CNIC Copy of applicant
  • Attested CNIC copy of Witness
  • Neighbor’s electricity bill copy
  • Wiring contractor’s test report
  • Note: maximum file sized should be 300kb.

After fulfilling the application details and uploading the requisite documents, you can accept the terms and conditions.

Some of terms and conditions are as;

  • We will pay the tariff and schedule service charges as stated by the department for the consumption of electricity.
  • Attested copy of CNIC upload with application form.
  • We testify that electricity wiring is installed by an authorized contractor by the Provincial Government.
  • We will be responsible for any damage due to malfunction of the wiring.
  • I testify that I do not owe any dues of wapda against personally owned property or rented property.
  • We will be responsible for paying any remaining dues.

Lastly, click on the submit button, and your online application for a new connection will be submitted to PESCO. You get response from PESCO officials within given time frame. If your provided particulars are correct your PESCO new electricity connection will be installed. But if any changes, rectification is needed PESCO official will contact you and will ask for the important rectification to made to complete the process of installation of new connection.

This is the internet era, and you can accomplish whatever you want if you use it appropriately. Instead of spending time and visiting offices repeatedly, you can submit the form online from the convenience of your own home. Furthermore, you may check the usage and register complaints with a few clicks on your mobile phone or computer.
As a result, it is evident that you can apply online for a new PESCO connection. Finally, there is no need to wait in line for hours to submit PESCO online bill because you can do it effortlessly through JazzCash, EasyPaisa, and other online platforms.


You can apply for a new connection online by visiting the ENC (Electricity New Connection) website. You need to carefully fill out all the needed fields and make sure the information you provide is accurate.

PESCO stands for “Peshawar Electric Supply Company”. PESCO is an electric distribution company which operates in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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